REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS for The Supply and Delivery of 05 Pick-ups for PIU/MRD Contract Identification No. MRD-GD02-ADB/ACSEP/2022/01

04 08 22 Advertisement RFQ 05 Pick ups Page 1
  1. The Kingdom of Cambodia has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB Loan 4013), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD Loan 8387), the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund through its Inclusive Finance Facility (AIF Loan 8389), and the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR Grant 9216) towards the cost of Agricultural Value Chain Competitiveness and Safety Project (ACSEP), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of AFD Loan 8387 to payments under the Contract for the supply and delivery of 05 Pick-ups for Project Implementation Unit under the Ministry of Rural Development (PIU/ACSEP/MRD).
  2. The goods are required by twelve weeks from the date of signed contract.
  3. Interested qualified eligible suppliers are invited to obtain a copy of the bidding documents free-of-charge from the address given below by submitting a written application from Monday to Friday during office hours from 8:00-12:00 and from 14:00-17:00 Except for the submission of a written application, there shall be no other conditions for obtaining the bidding documents.
  4. To be considered eligible and qualified a bidder must:
  1. Meet the eligibility criteria of the Asian Development Bank.
  2. Have completed at least two contracts for supply of similar goods in the preceding 3 years of not less than 50% of the quoted price in each contract.
  • Have completed contracts with a total cumulative value equal to at least two times the value of the quoted price in the preceding 2 years.
  1. Not be under any notice of suspension or disbarment issued by the Government nor in the sanctions lists of the Asian Development Bank.

Quotations must be delivered to the address given below on or before 18 August 2022, 09:00 AM. Late Quotations will be rejected. Quotations will be opened in public immediately thereafter at the address given below in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.

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