ឯកឧត្តម គុយ ឆាយ បានអញ្ជើញចូលរួមក្នុងសិក្ខាសាលាពិគ្រោះយោបល់ស្ដីពីការរៀបចំការប្ដេជ្ញាចិត្តស្ដីពីអាហារូបត្ថម្ភដើម្បីការលូតលាស់ឆ្នាំ២០២៥
២ ថ្ងៃមុន ថ្ងៃទី៧ ខែកុម្ភៈ ២០២៥
From September to November 2020, Cambodia experienced heavy rainfall across the country. The heavy rains caused extensive flooding in 20 out of 25 provinces, leaving an estimated 800,000 people directly affected, of which 49% (388,000 people) had pre-existing vulnerabilities. The floods have caused damage to key transport infrastructure and loss of economic activities. According to the rapid damage and needs assessment conducted by the World Bank at the request of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), economic loss due to flooding was estimated at US$ 448–490 million.