

The Royal Government of Cambodia in collaboration with the World Bank (WB) is preparing the proposed Road Connectivity Improvement Project (CRCIP) which intends to improve selected sections of the national, provincial and rural roads in three (03) target provinces included Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Kratie. The proposed CRCIP will be implemented by two (02) Implementing Agencies (IAs) including the Ministry of Public Work and Transport (MPWT) and the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) from 2020-2027. The Component 1 will be implemented by MPWT for national and provincial road improvement and Component 2 will be implemented by MRD for rural roads improvement.

The CRCIP will support the improvement of climate resilient road accessibility in targeted provinces and scope of works will include paving/sealing of existing roads with climate adaptation and resilience measures, improving road condition and safety.

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